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Summer is a season of golden sunshine, warmth soaking deep into our bones and flowers blooming in every colour of the rainbow. Gardens and wildernesses grow abundantly. The world comes to life, and so do we.

We make plans and live with more boldness, fuelled by the sun’s fire that echoes the fire in our bellies. Holidays beckon, and we stretch out on beaches like a cat who has found the cosiest, most soul-soothing spot to sit in.

We savour the feel of the sun on our sand-dusted skin and allow ourselves to sit beneath the light, soaking up the nourishment and healing and rest it offers us. Summer illuminates our yearnings, stirs up our potential.

We ponder and muse and dream and plan in summer, and deep down, we know that, just as we are a part of nature, nature is a part of us too. We have the seasons in our souls. We are summer.

The longer, lighter nights seem to alter time. We have the same 24 hours in a day, but we feel as if we have more time to play with, more energy to work with. The sun releases this energy, unlocking something within that makes us unfurl and open like a flower.

Summer does this to us. It cracks open the seed of joyful optimism that lives within all things, making us, and everything around us, burst into life.

Summer can teach us many life-affirming lessons …


  • I am living from a mindset of joy and abundance

As everything around us grows and glows with life and energy, know that you are growing too. See the joy in the smallest thing, from a sunflower growing tall in the garden to a text message that makes you smile. Look at life as it happens and live it fully. You have everything that you need right here, right now, and you are abundant. You have so much potential stored up inside you. Know your richness, know your worth and know that you have pure joy within you.

  • I am blessed, grateful and flourishing

If we look around us and see the whole world, alive and thriving, we will see that there is so much to be grateful for. We live in a beautiful, magnificent world, and we are a part of it. We add some beauty to it that only we can. You may not realise it, but you do. If you’ve ever made one person smile, laugh, or feel encouraged, you’ve made a difference. Look at who you are and name all of your strengths, all of those things that make you who you are. Appreciate them. See where you’ve come from, see how far you’ve come. Count your blessings. And count the blessings that you give to others just by being you.

  • I am a being of energy and growth

We ebb and flow, wax and wane, peak and dip. Sometimes we ride the crest of a wave, sometimes we feel tired and spent, as if we’re sinking under life’s demands and cares. This is OK. It is natural. We have to build up energy, store it and then unleash it. We can’t have super-high energy all the time. That’s not how we’re designed. So celebrate and harness your energy and your rhythms. Nurture yourself and grow at your own pace. And don’t worry if you feel you haven’t moved forwards or that you’re stuck. Trust in the process. Be patient with yourself and the season you’re in.

  • I have a fire in my belly. I am a creator.

There can be a sense at the summer solstice, when we celebrate the longest day, that we have to strive to take advantage of the extra light and longer hours of sunlight. There can be a longing to achieve all that we possibly could achieve before the sun goes down and the nights begin to get shorter. But there’s no need to rush or hurry. Just be wherever you are right now, and enjoy the here and now. It is the only moment we have. Do what you can in this moment, and enjoy it. Enjoy the shifting seasons and how they mirror our own lives and energies. Use the sun’s dynamism to fuel the fire in your belly that urges you to grow, but don’t force it. Just bask in it - and create when you’re ready.

  • I am an adventurer and I trust in myself and in life

There is no need to fret or worry. Everything has a season. Trust in the process and be patient. Set the intention, and have faith that everything blooms and ripens at the right time. The seed was planted, probably by some forgetful squirrel in autumn, and the tree still grew. Take your foot off the pedal from time to time. Every path is an adventure, a journey just waiting for you to take that bold first step out on. Explore. See where the path leads you. You might not get to where you want to go in the way you thought you’d get there, but you will get there, and see some awesome sights along the way…

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