I'm delighted to announce that I have received a Sunshine Blogger Award!
Thank you to my nominee, the lovely Eilidh Horder (eilidhhorder.com)
Eilidh is an emotional and mental health blogger who has always been such a kind, honest, authentic and inspiring source of encouragement on her blog and Instagram page @eilidhhorder. I am so grateful to her for nominating me for such a lovely award.
The rules of The Sunshine Blogger Award are: to thank your nominee and link to their blog, to answer the 11 questions your nominee asks, to nominate 11 new bloggers and ask 11 new questions, and to list the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in the post and on your blog.
What are you reading?
Lately, I've been re-reading old childhood favourites, such as Peter Pan and The Wind in the Willows - a real trip down memory lane and so comforting to read during these worrying and shaky times. They really speak to the power of the imagination, friendship and hope. On my bedside table at the moment is a book of Rumi's poetry - transformational, inspirational words that remind the reader of the divine in all things.
If you were a colour, what colour would you be?
I love the brilliant magic and wonder of rainbows, and find it hard to choose just one as all the colours resonate with me. I am torn between the soulful pink of a rose in bloom, the deep denim-blue of crashing ocean waves, or the happy yellow of a sunflower. The sea calls so strongly to me, though, that I will choose blue.
What is your first memory?
Morning sunlight streaming through curtains / being gently wrapped in a soft white blanket / my mother's face smiling at me and her long golden hair, dappled with sunbeams / both of us laughing. This is my most precious memory and, unbelievably, dates back to when I was just 6 months old.
Star Trek or Star Wars?
My husband is a huge fan of both, and Star Trek was one of my Mum's all-time favourite TV shows. I would choose Star Trek for nostalgia's sake, because it reminds me of curling up on the couch with mum when I was little, watching repeats of classic Trek!
What's your favourite children's film?
There are so many to choose from, but one I watched for the first time recently and loved was Moana. I'm a big fan of strong female characters and bolstering, empowering books and movies that leave you with a smile on your face.
Do you prefer to stay over with friends, or have friends stay over with you?
I love both, and really enjoy fussing over my guests and making sure they feel at home, but I also love the mini-adventure that comes with a change of scenery. In these days of Covid and lockdowns, I sometimes crave to get out and explore more, so would choose to stay with friends. Those days of carefree, happy adventures will feel extra wonderful when they return.
If you had all the time in the world, what would you do that you're not doing at the moment?
The thing that I have always wanted to do more than anything is to write and to share messages that uplift people and remind them how magical they are. I'm so grateful that I now get to spend a lot of my time doing this. But there is still much more to write, to create and to share. What could I do with more of? More time in nature, more special moments with my loved ones, more picnics under the wide-open sky in the great outdoors, more time meditating.
If money didn't come into it, how would you spend your time?
Writing. Wandering. Reading. Thinking. Alone and with loved ones. Luckily the things that I love to do the most cost nothing!
What was your most memorable childhood birthday?
I can't remember which birthday this was, but when I was a little girl, my Mum made me a birthday cake that looked like a Barbie doll and it was so beautiful that I didn't want to eat it. But my great love of chocolate cake won out in the end!
What is your favourite sad song?
I love to sing, and one of my favourite songs is Elvis Presley's 'Can't Help Falling in Love'. It's such a romantic and tender song, yet the melody has an emotional poignancy to it that always brings a tear to my eye whenever I sing it.
Are you making any changes to help save the planet?
I feel a real kinship with nature and I really want to do more to protect our planet. I sign petitions, recycle, try to use less plastic and buy local where I can, and walk rather than use the car whenever possible. We only have one planet and one home and Mother Earth gives us so much. Just like any good relationship, I feel it is our responsibility to care for her in return.
Sharing the sunshine, here are the bloggers (and/or Instagrammers) that I would happily nominate for a Sunshine Blogger Award:
Eilidh Horder for her positive, open and honest posts about emotional and mental health (eilidhhorder.com)
Aimee Coates for her nature and folklore-inspired blog (littleislandnotes.co.uk)
Vicky (@border_folk on Instagram) for her thoughtful musings on countryside-living
Kal Ratcliffe (@kalratcliffenutrition on Instagram) for her inspiring and informative posts on gut health and nutrition
Mina Mistry-Brown (@wellness_food_me on Instagram) for her delicious foodie posts
Lorraine Pascale (@lorrainepascale on Instagram) for her calming posts as The Anxiety Coach
Emine Kali Rushton (@thisconsciousbeing on Instagram) for her beautiful posts and soothing words
Patricia Alexander-Bird (@anam_cara_nutrition on Instagram) for her sunny posts on nutrition and lifestyle.
Gabrielle Treanor of gabrielletreanor.com for her posts that help introvert women overcome overwhelm
Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols on Instagram) for her beautiful and uplifting art and poetry
Emily Coxhead (of @thehappynewspaper on Instagram) for her upbeat, sunny posts and positive news stories
Dr David R. Hamilton (@davidrhamiltonphd on Instagram) for his posts on kindness
Suzy Reading (@suzyreading on Instagram) for her supportive and thoughtful content for times of stress, loss and change
Ellen Tout (@compleatly_vegan on Instagram) for her waste-free plant-based recipes and ideas
Susanna Newsonen (@thehappyologist on Instagram) for her posts on living a happy, simple life.
Niki (@nikibakes_uk on Instagram) for her cheerful and delicious-looking food posts
I'm over-the-moon to have received a Sunshine Blogger Award, and love the sense of community that it fosters within the blogging community, especially amongst content-producers who are putting their heart and soul - and an infusion of sunshine! - into their writing.
For anyone I have nominated who would like to accept their Sunshine Blogger Award, the 'rules' are at the top of this post, and the questions are as follows:
Who inspires you?
Do you have a favourite motto?
What was your childhood hobby?
Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been?
What do you think is the meaning of life?
If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
What is your favourite book?
If you feel stressed, what do you do to feel calmer?
What song makes you feel instantly happy?
Do you have a hidden talent?
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Keep shining your light, and have a sunny day! x